Hi. I'm Johana Luna.
I'm a Data Scientist with a Computer Science degree and experience in Looker, Power BI, Tableau, Python, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, SQL and Statistics (Resume)
I'm a Data Scientist with a Computer Science degree and experience in Looker, Power BI, Tableau, Python, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, SQL and Statistics (Resume)
The Sudoku Solver (Omegag2020) API solves Sudoku puzzles using human tecniques.
Our API can also predict the difficulty level with a logistic regression model.
Using image processing and computer vision, the user can transfer analog paper Sudoku puzzles to a digital form and play with them
(See Documentation).
Deployed in Amazon Web Services (AWS), this API help users find the best place to post on Reddit.
Subreddit Recommender can suggest the most optimal subreddit using natural language processing (NLP) with a KNN model (See Documentation).
Deployed on Heroku, AirBnB Predictor uses a linear regression model to predict an optimal pricing strategy for an AirBnB in Berlin (See Documentation).
Exploratory data analysis of Chicago's crimes extracted from the Chicago Police Department.
This article explores crime data in Chicago and showcase the implementation of a predictive model for arrests in Chicago
(See Documentation).
Exploratory data analysis of new patients with cancer.
This analysis intends to find if there is a correlation between the insidence rate globally and the State of New York
(See Documentation).